About Us

Céad míle fáilte!
Based in Ireland and in the networks of  Ireland’s friends in America, the LaRouche Irish Brigade represents a movement that is dedicated to the dismantling of the oligarchical system that dominates the world today, as it has done throughout history.  That system’s current manifestation is the British Empire, a financial empire headquartered in the City of London and Wall St, whose nominal head is the British Queen.  In fact, since the British Empire devolved from the plague of Venice, we could properly address the little goblin queen as “Her Royal Doge”!
We intend to campaign, not as a party, but as a movement within all republican parties, on a range of issues, with a single intention – the defeat of that British Empire.
This website joins the 18 (and growing) other national and language culture websites of the  movement inspired by statesman and economist, Lyndon LaRouche across the world.  Our newborn site springs from the optimistic view that, especially in this daunting time, where economic disintegration threatens to lead a desperate oligarchy to bring the world down with them, even by thermonuclear war, courageous souls will step forward, not only to shape the Hamiltonian economic measures that are necessary for the common good, but also the strategic defense of earth which is the science driver path to peace and development.
Our signature, which is “Educating a Renaissance”, describes our aims and passions.  We welcome you, our readers, to involve yourselves in this historic fight.

7 Responses to About Us

  1. Anonymous says:

    Just found the site…well said

    • Thank you. Hope you keep an eye on the website as there’s much more to be said in the days and weeks ahead.

      • kieran says:

        Hi, originally from Derry and living in US, great country, great people, unfortunately the main media has been taken over and the country is under threat. A thought for people in Ireland. How will you react when you are told you must send troops to fight against Russia? if you refuse the money supply will be cut off, remember Ireland is already paying 85bn, will not be allowed to retain neutrality, absolutely no way, Of course once Russia is sidelined Iran will be attacked. Things are not happening in a vacuum, watch Gen Wesley Clark war plans, one where he is standing up is better, he names some people, unfortunately things have moved ahead since then and its worse than Gen Clark could ever have imagined, he was only partially correct.

      • Hi Kieran,
        The Trump presidency is clearly just finding its feet right now. There is great potential for an end to that type of imperial geopolitics and the beginning of a new era of win-win cooperation and mutual respect among nations if the Trump administration get on board with the process that China and Russia have already begun.
        Check out the LPAC Action Center – stay connected, get regular email updates, and most importantly: get active! – http://action.larouchepac.com/

  2. Christopher Lewis says:

    I am interested . My wife is Irish and we are often in Donegal. Keep me informed.

  3. Seamus McCarrick says:

    Here in Mayo, i’d like to learn more and get involved perhaps. any meet ups in the swinford area in the days ahead ?

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