The New Silk Road is Taking Over—But LaRouche’s Ideas Can Make it Unstoppable

Heads of state attending the April 2019 Belt and Road Forum in China. Photo:


Are more than 130 governments, nearly 40 heads of state, all major international financial institutions, and 5,000 businesses all at one conference, enough to convince you that a new economic order is coming into being? The extraordinary attendance of governments, heads of state and government—a significant number of them recently considered “skeptics” and “critics” of Belt and Road infrastructure great projects—and companies at the Second Belt and Road Forum, compared with the largest international meetings in history. It was already proof that the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has expanded greatly since the first Belt and Road Forum in 2017 and is now an unstoppable new paradigm of economy. Certain myths of “backfire” and “criticism” in Asia which have been spread, also fell away.

“Developments of the last period make very clear that the dominating dynamic in the world today is the Belt and Road Initiative,” noted Schiller Institute president Helga Zepp-LaRouche in a discussion with European colleagues Monday. She is, with her husband Lyndon LaRouche, an intellectual author of this dynamic from the 1980s onward.

“This,” she said, “is the major initiative in terms of unprecedented infrastructure, in terms of a new set of relations, in terms of new cultural relations and a new spirit of the Silk Road, that it is simply the most powerful item on the agenda, and it’s the only long-term strategic plan to move the world into a new paradigm. And interestingly, this was stated more or less in that way by the Swiss President Ueli Maurer, who commented that this was Switzerland’s long-term strategic plan; then he signed a memorandum of understanding with Xi Jinping.”

Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said essentially the same thing, happy that Italy had “opened the way for other European nations, who will now make agreements” with China’s New Silk Road.

The most urgent question, she said, is a cooperative relation between the United States and China. America, which was not represented at a high level at the Forum, needs the Belt and Road.

However, both need something else.

“I think what is absolutely lacking is an unmediated access to the ideas of [Lyndon LaRouche], of mostly the United States population, but well beyond that, of the whole world. And I have compared that to the impact that the introduction of Plato had in the context of the Councils of Ferrara and Florence, triggering, really, the explosion of the Italian Renaissance. Because if Nicholas of Cusa would not have brought the Greek Orthodox Church scholars, Bessarion and Plethon, who all were the absolute scholars in Plato; and brought the entire works of Plato, which had been lost in Europe for 1700 years—there were maybe a couple of copies in some monasteries, but nobody could read it any more, because people could not understand Greek any more—so, it was really when the Greek Orthodox Church brought Plato. Fortunately, you had the Medicis who financed a crash program to translate the works, and it was the excitement for Plato which made the Italian Renaissance what it became.”

“And I think in the ferment of the Belt and Road Initiative, there are many good ideas and many important concepts, but the depth of what is required lies only in [LaRouche’s] works. So that is why the exoneration is so absolutely important, apart from the fact, that naturally, his opponents are the war party.”

Lyndon LaRouche’s exoneration, she concluded, “is the crucial piece in getting the world to a safe place.”



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Second Belt and Road Forum Launches World Economy Into New Dimension

Declaring the just-completed Belt and Road forum in Beijing a “great success”, Helga Zepp LaRouche reports on the global participation in the event, and the expanded scope of BRI agreements. She describes the active involvement of a number of European leaders as “very interesting.” Referring back to her LaRouchePAC Class the night before, she urged viewers to watch the clip she used of Lyndon LaRouche’s 1997 address, in which he insisted the U.S. must engage in the Eurasian Land-bridge.

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Class #1 (Apr 27): Overview: The Individual’s Role in History

Featured speaker: Helga Zepp-LaRouche, Schiller Institute founder

One person can change history, and the most powerful force in history is not weapons, money, or armies: it is ideas. Lyndon LaRouche harnessed this concept and used it to change the world. Today, the fruits of his decades of organizing, alongside many colleagues, and his wife (the teacher of this class), are seen in the potential for international collaboration exemplified by the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative. To escape the dark age that nuclear conflict between the United States and Russia threatens, an idea of the needed renaissance is necessary.

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China Inspires World Leaders to Develop Global Economy, When Will the U.S. Join?


This week, 37 heads of state, 360 government ministers, and 100 leaders of international organizations, will be among the 5,000 participants gathering in Beijing for the second Belt and Road Forum, entitled “Belt and Road Cooperation: Shaping a Brighter Shared Future.” Launched in September 2013, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) is a Chinese-led international framework for infrastructure and other investment on a massive scale, involving, by some estimates, nations accounting for two-thirds of the world’s population. It coheres, in many respects, with the proposals made by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, especially since the end of the Cold War.

According to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, this year’s event will build upon the success of the inaugural Belt and Road Forum held in 2017, doubling the number of forums and conferences to twelve and incorporating a CEO conference with 800 business leaders. The high-level event will occur on April 27, with national leaders attending a plenary session. The significant level of participation of both government and business leaders is expected to result in billions of dollars’ worth of new infrastructure projects and trade deals, which will raise the standard of living of hundreds of millions, or even billions of people worldwide.

As of this writing, it has not been confirmed whether the United States is going to send any high-level official representation to participate, beyond the vague “diplomatic representation” Wang Yi said would be attending, in spite of the fact that 124 nations and 29 international organizations already have signed BRI agreements with China, making this by far the largest project of physical economic development ever carried out by the human race and in spite of the tremendous economic growth in trade and productivity enjoyed by participating nations.

Shortly after President Trump was inaugurated in early 2017, Helga Zepp-LaRouche, wife of the American statesman and economist Lyndon LaRouche, forecast that if President Trump were to accept invitation of China, “to join China and other nations in the New Silk Road, he could become one of the greatest American Presidents in history.”

So far, thanks in large part to a British-orchestrated ongoing attempted coup against President Trump—which included not only the now thoroughly discredited fraudulent Muller report, but a never-ending torrent of “fake news” denouncing the Chinese and Russian leaders as “authoritarian” or worse—Trump has not been able to make good on his pledge to establish collaborative relations with Russia and China, although he has been careful to repeatedly comment on his “good relationship” with Chinese President Xi Jinping, and the two of them seem optimistic about reaching a trade deal in the near future.

The United States and the BRI

Just before the first BRI Forum in 2017, Zepp-LaRouche wrote an article with the provocative title, “Only a Bystander? Once the United States Joins the Belt and Road Initiative, A New Paradigm for Mankind Can Begin,” which was published by China Investment magazine and distributed to all participants at that gathering, which included 28 heads of state. In this article she wrote:

“The infrastructure requirements of the United States are enormous, due to decades-long non-investment by the previous administrations. Except for those who have actually been to China, most Americans have no idea how far behind China U.S. infrastructural development is.

“The average speed of the Washington-Boston 736 km Acela ‘high-speed’ line is only 105 km/h, with only very short segments at 145 km/h. This is by no means high speed, compared to the approximately 130,000 kilometers of high-speed rail in China, which amounts to over 50 times as much! U.S. roads are in terribly dangerous condition, and so are the bridges, and sanitation systems—but their use is still expensive. For a trip between Washington and New York, one has to pay the substantial amount of $115 in tolls and gas per car.

“The American Society of Civil Engineers, at a recent conference, released the estimate that current U.S. infrastructure investment requirements are actually $4.5 trillion. There is no way that the financing of either of these amounts will come from the private equity market.”

One recent example of the lack of infrastructure investment referenced by Zepp-LaRouche is the devastation of the US farm belt in the last month caused by the lack of water management infrastructure proposed many years ago by the Army Corps of Engineers, but which was never built. As a result of this failure, Iowa, Missouri, the Dakotas, Nebraska and Kansas have been devastated by frozen rivers flooding over, wiping out over one million head of cattle, and wreaking havoc on our corn, soy, pork and egg production.

Terry Branstad, the former governor of Iowa, is the current U.S. Ambassador to China and has a friendship with President Xi stretching back decades, from the time Xi spent as a student in that state. Given China’s experience with the massive flooding of the Yellow River, and the recent completion of the Three Gorges Dam, one might imagine President Xi is well aware of the desperate situation in Iowa and surrounding states, and would probably be very inclined to join forces with President Trump and local governors to assist in developing a long-term solution to problem.

Such potential cooperation should be seen in the context of offers from Chinese institutional investors to invest potentially trillions of dollars worth of treasuries and other dollar-denominated assets into a vehicle such as a U.S. infrastructure bank, providing an opportunity to accelerate an infrastructure renewal in the United States.

Defeating and Replacing Geopolitics

It is precisely the sort of international cooperation, and cooperation on advanced scientific endeavors like space exploration and fusion research, that the British instigators of the attempted coup against President Trump wish to prevent.

To them, the BRI represents a mortal threat to the current world order; it is representative of a new paradigm of international relations, in which geopolitics is overcome and superseded.

Later in her article, Zepp-LaRouche elaborates something unknown to most Americans (due to the “fake news” anti-China propaganda), namely, the compatibility between the values of American System economists and the Chinese approach today:

“If one studies the economic theory behind the tremendous success of the Chinese economic miracle of the last 30 years, one will find out that current Chinese economic policies, basing themselves on the education of its citizens, are very much in coherence with the Confucian principle of lifelong learning and innovation, and are actually very close to the economic principles of the American System of economy, as it was developed and implemented by Alexander Hamilton, John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, Henry C. Carey, and Abraham Lincoln. All of these men understood that the most important source of wealth of a country is the development of the creative powers of its own population. And therefore, they designed a system of economy that furthered exactly that, in order to catalyze the greatest rate of scientific and technological progress and innovation.”

In the wake of President Trump’s recent announcement—made shortly after China demonstrated the successful sprouting of seeds on the far side of the Moon—of his plan to land a man and the first woman on the Moon by 2024, it would be the most natural thing in the universe for these two great nations to collaborate to bring the Earth into a new paradigm.

The late Lyndon LaRouche dedicated his life’s work to bringing this about, and we should ensure that it finally happens. The lives of billions, born and unborn, depend on us.

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Through Lyndon LaRouche’s Eyes

On April 24, 2019, President Xi Jinping held talks with President Sebastian Pinera of Chile at the Great Hall of the People. (

On April 24, 2019, President Xi Jinping held talks with President Sebastian Pinera of Chile at the Great Hall of the People. (



The opening of the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing yesterday with participation of 37 heads of state and government among over 150 nations represented, should instantly refute every slander against that great initiative, for any rational person. More than that, the Belt and Road and this Forum provide the signature of a dawning new epoch of world history that Lyndon and Helga LaRouche long forecast and worked ceaselessly to bring about for decades. Who else could have forecast that a developing country—China—could have spearheaded such a seismic international transformation barely 40 forty years after it began to rise from its own ashes with Deng Xiaoping’s reforms? The Belt and Road and China’s miracle should be a source of inspiration to patriots in the United States and every other nation.

As if to drive the point home, China’s space agency announced yesterday that China would perform a manned Moon-landing and build an (initially robotic) research station on the Moon (the latter at its South Pole) within a decade. China’s previous plans were thought to place the manned landing in the 2030s—were they speeded up because of President Trump’s commitment to put a man and a woman on the Moon within five years? China has now reportedly surpassed Japan and Russia in the size of its space program, to become number two, in dollar terms, after United States. How much more could be achieved in a fully international crash program, in which each country brought in its particular strengths, as the LaRouches have long advocated?

What is required now is that the United States join with the Belt and Road, and join with China, Russia and India in a new world credit system for world development—the New Bretton Woods system for which LaRouche fought for decade after decade, as the 21st Century successor to Franklin Roosevelt’s design for the post-World War II Bretton Woods system.

To insure that that happens, we have to win a kernel of the U.S. intelligentsia—the real U.S. intelligentsia—to LaRouche’s ideas. We have to win an active component of the Trump base to LaRouche’s perspectives for his Four Laws, New Silk Road, and New Bretton Woods. We have to win President Trump himself to this commitment (not necessarily in that order).

This sounds daunting, but, looking back, LaRouche himself accomplished more than this during the last 60 years of his life, when he prophesied and catalyzed this new stage of history which is now opening up before us—as almost no one but Lyndon and Helga LaRouche ever expected that it would.

To do that, we have to think like LaRouche to the extent that we look out through his eyes. What do we see? What did he see in March of 1988?

“Up to a critical point in our lives, we plod our craft and pursue our moral commitments honestly to the limit of our knowledge and strength of will to do so. In that respect, we are all ordinary. Then, one day, to some among us ordinary folk, there comes an experience which we must fairly liken to the New Testament’s account of Christ in Gethsemane. It is not enough to propose, to foster, to support those causes we know to be good. A silent voice speaks to us: If there is no one else to lead, you must do so. We protest: `Who am I, and what my poor means to undertake such a mission? Can there not be leaders which I can support, and so fulfill the responsibility in a manner consistent with my pitiable means?’

“Then, in a moment permeated with a special quality of terror, we know that we drink from that cup. What do most ordinary folk, of the sort we were a moment earlier, know of such terror? To know such terror, one must first love mankind, and love truth. One must see mankind as doomed to some horrible consequence, unless a great change is made. The terror is the perception that this necessary change will not occur, unless one oneself acts appropriately to bring it about against all odds. As one drinks from that cup, there is a transformation in the nature of one’s will, and a congruent transformation in one’s state of knowledge.”


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Larry Johnson, Bill Binney & Barbara Boyd Blast Russiagate Fakery, Highlight GCHQ Role in Coup

Sign our petition, We want Trump to declassify all documents relating to the UNITED KINGDOM interfering in our elections. – LaRouche PAC’s April 25th Fireside Chat featured former NSA Technical Director Bill Binney, Larry Johnson formerly of the CIA and the State Department’s Counter-Terror Unit, and Barbara Boyd, LaRouche PAC’s author of the Report, Robert Mueller is an Amoral Assassin, He Will Do His Job If You Let Him. They discussed Robert Mueller’s entirely nonsensical report trying to justify how he spent $35 million investigating Russiagate when it was known from the beginning that there was never any conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and Russia.Instead, there was a concerted effort from British and American intelligence agencies to smear Donald Trump as a Russian agent, a full-scale escalation of that effort involving multiple FBI, CIA, and GCHQ components when Trump became the Republican nominee, and the explosion of a coup attempt against the incoming Administration when Trump won the Presidency. This operation has dangerously imperiled relationships between the world’s two great nuclear powers.


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FDR Would Be At The Great Summit in Beijing Today; We Have To Restore Trump’s Presidency

A portrait of Franklin Roosevelt painted during the WW2 years.

A portrait of Franklin Roosevelt painted during the WW2 years.


The most important question in the world today was posed by China’s ambassador to the United States, Cui Tiankai: “Why the U.S. Shouldn’t Sit Out the Belt and Road Initiative.”

Indeed, how can the head of any great power sit out the Second Belt and Road Forum which starts in Beijing today? What voluntary economic/cultural development event can gather leading figures from 140 countries, including nearly 40 heads of state and government, comparable to what Franklin Roosevelt’s United States itself could summon to Bretton Woods in 1944 to fashion a new credit and monetary system?

Those Western European and U.S. think-tanks and media — beginning three years ago with London’s Royal Institute of International Affairs and Cambridge and Oxford Universities — which have been claiming the Belt and Road will hyper-indebt and collapse the world economy, have no answer for this event in Beijing. Have 140 nations’ leaders — and last year all African heads of state but one who attended the China-Africa summit — ALL been snookered into a “debt trap” at the same time? Have they ALL been seized by a perverse compulsion to have China steal their technologies or their ports?

Quite the opposite. There obviously is a new and very important, optimistic commitment which has taken hold over the past six years, to develop through modern basic infrastructure-building and high-technology new industry and communications. A new paradigm.

It’s thinking as FDR thought about development, about the Bretton Woods system and the United Nations. Donald Trump the candidate, and before that the politically interested businessman, was drawn to such ideas: the Strategic Defense Initiative; Moon-Mars missions; sweeping new infrastructures; he even spoke of China’s Belt and Road in these terms early in his Presidency. The British intelligence “Russiagate” attack and the resulting new McCarthyism against Russia and China, have ruined that for two years.

Now that British attack has failed in its objective — a coup — and has been thoroughly exposed. The President, himself, in a Twitter message this morning, arraigned “United Kingdom Intelligence” for the whole attack on his Presidency. The world has taken note. Now the British Queen, as Schiller Institute President Helga Zepp-LaRouche proposed yesterday, must apologize to the President during his state visit June 3-5. And the myth among the remains of Mueller’s report — that Russia attacked the U.S. election process — stands still to be debunked.

And Trump’s presidency is still to be restored from the infestation of neo-conservatism and neo-McCarthyism.

One figure over the post-World War II period thought of international development on a still higher level: Lyndon LaRouche, whose World Land-Bridge concepts led to the Belt and Road itself. LaRouche combined developing-country investment and infrastructure great projects with the irreplaceable “science drivers” of space exploration, fusion power development, laser and plasma technologies. He conceptualized a New Bretton Woods credit system and worldwide “Glass-Steagall” bank reorganization from that standpoint. And he fought London’s financial and geopolitical empire with every breath for 50 years.

With Trump’s blast against British intelligence today, the door is clearly open to restore the Presidency. It will be done only by winning full appreciation and respect for LaRouche’s extraordinary ideas and accomplishments.

President Trump, Investigate British Subversion of the USA

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Ibero-American Memorial for Lyndon LaRouche: “A Great Man has Left Us, but He has Left Us His Ideas”

Official logo of the 1901 Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, NY.


On April 11, an Ibero-American memorial to Lyndon LaRouche was held in the form of a videoconference sponsored by the Schiller Institute which linked live meetings in five cities (Mexico City, Queretaro and Hermosillo in Mexico; Lima, Peru; and Buenos Aires,Argentina), and was moderated from Purcellville, Virginia. The gatherings brought together some 200 associates and friends of the LaRouche movement, who heard sections of recorded speeches by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, as well as video tributes which came from individuals in Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Peru and Bolivia, testifying to the impact that LaRouche’s work had on those countries. We present here six of those video messages, subtitled in English.

Patricio Ricketts

Patricio Ricketts is a former Education Minister of Peru, a leading historian, author, journalist and political analyst. He was a strong defender of Peru’s national sovereignty against the Shining Path and MRTA onslaught, two narco-terrorist groups with powerful international financial and political support, such as that of George Soros.

Rear Admiral (ret.) Hugo Ramírez Canaval

Rear Admiral (ret.) Hugo Ramírez Canaval is one of the most distinguished leaders of the Peruvian Navy. In 1988 that institution published the book “Modern Irregular Warfare” by Friedrich von der Heydte, with an introduction by Lyndon LaRouche, for its senior officers to study and analyze. It proved vital to their understanding of the new type of narco-terrorist enemy that the nation was facing.

Mario Roberto Morales

Mario Roberto Morales is a Guatemalan writer, university professor and journalist. He holds a doctorate in Latin American Culture and Literature from the University of Pittsburgh, and a 2017 Doctor Honoris Causa from San Carlos University in Guatemala. He won Guatemala’s “Miguel Angel Asturias” National Prize for Literature in 2007. He has been a university professor in the U.S., Guatemala and Costa Rica.

Ramón Emilio Concepción

Ramón Emilio Concepción is an attorney in the Dominican Republic, having received his law degree Summa Cum Laude from the Dominican World University. He is a pre-candidate for the Presidency of the Dominican Republic for the Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM).

Marino Elsevyf Pineda

Marino Elsevyf Pineda is an attorney in the Dominican Republic. He was the only Ibero-American jurist who traveled to the U.S. to join Ramsey Clark, Amelia Boynton Robinson and others on the Schiller Institute’s Martin Luther King Tribunal, seeking the exoneration of Lyndon LaRouche.

Marino Elsevyf Pineda

Max Ibáñez is a veteran trade union leader in Bolivia. He was formerly Secretary of Grievance Resolution of the National Federation of Electrical and Telephone Workers of Bolivia, and he was a founding member of the Schiller Institute Trade Union Commission.

The Ibero-American memorial is the first of at least three such memorials to LaRouche which will be held internationally, the next being in New York City on June 8, and one to be held later in Europe.

View the full memorial, in Spanish, here.

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Mueller’s $35 Million Gaslighting of the American People—Tell Your Representative & Senators: Investigate and Stop This Treasonous Hoax Now

Former Deputy Attorney General James Comey, alongside President Obama and former FBI Director Robert Mueller at Comey’s nomination to become the Seventh Director of the FBI. September 2013, Photo: FBI



by Barbara Boyd,

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has written a 448-page fictional novel, grounded in treason, about the British/Obama Administration intelligence hoax known as Russiagate. It is intended to preoccupy your mind for the next two years, at least through the 2020 elections. It is intended to stir your passions to support your absolutely mad Representative or Senator in enacting further sanctions and supporting the British drive to overthrow Putin’s government in Russia based on fictional events which, for the most part, never happened. The British sponsored and oriented intelligence services that sponsored this hoax have also started a campaign to ensure that the same mad passions will destroy Donald Trump’s quest for new and peaceful relationships with China. Congressional investigations based on the “road map” provided by Robert Mueller are supposed to provide, on your taxpayer dollar, possible impeachment and, at the very least, opposition research for the 2020 Presidential campaign. This would fulfill the British vow, openly set forth in the December 2018 House of Lords Report, “British Foreign Policy in a Shifting World Order,” that Donald Trump must not have a second term.

But, most of all, it is intended to get you to doubt what is coming next. The President’s allies have promised an investigation of the investigators and a full accounting of how this sordid affair came to be. As Conrad Black explains in the National Interest, what is now known is that

“senior intelligence and FBI and Justice Department officials lied under oath to Congress, or lied to federal officials … in order to influence the result, and then reverse the result, of a presidential election. In terms of subversion of the highest constitutional process, the selection of the president and vice president of the United States, this sort of activity, that Brennan, Clapper, Comey, McCabe, former attorney general Loretta Lynch and others appear to have engaged in, is the last stop before there are tanks on the White House lawn and military control of the media outlets. Mueller, having failed to do anything to address the real crisis that threatened the country, failed altogether, and compounded his failure by his sadistic entrapment of General Michael Flynn, and hounding of Paul Manafort and others, far beyond what was necessary or excusable, in an effort to extort a false inculpation of the president.”

As most know by now, the first part of the Mueller report concludes that there was no collusion between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s campaign to swing the election to Donald Trump. This conclusion occurred despite thousands upon thousands of hours of fake media claims, fed by British and American intelligence leaks, which made it an article of fanatical religious faith to many, that Donald Trump was a Putin dupe. According to Mueller’s report, while the Russians tried endlessly to infiltrate and steer the Trump Campaign, they didn’t succeed. Undaunted, Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appeared on television on April 18 to claim that Mueller found “passive collusion.” That is not an unfair characterization of the McCarthyite premises of Mueller’s report. According to Mueller, investigation of an American Presidential campaign was justified because Trump refused to toe the British line on Putin and Russia.

Here is how Mueller blithely reports it:

“On June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump declared his intent to seek nomination as the Republican candidate for President. By early 2016, he distinguished himself among Republican candidates by speaking of closer ties with Russia, saying he would get along well with Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioning whether the NATO alliance was obsolete, and praising Putin as a ‘strong leader.’ The press reported that Russian political analysts and commentators perceived Trump as favorable to Russia.”

Beginning in February 2016, the Report continues, the “press” began to report the connections of various campaign figures with Russia, namely, Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, and Carter Page. According to Mueller’s report, Trump pursued WikiLeaks during the campaign regarding the timing of further releases of Clinton Campaign and State Department documents, he said that he doubted that the Russians hacked the DNC and John Podesta, he falsely claimed that he had no business dealings in Russia, and the Campaign was involved in changing a plank in the Republican Party platform about providing lethal assistance to Ukraine. Contrary to this lying account by Saint Mueller, we know that the “press” were being steered by a British intelligence originated propaganda campaign aimed at preventing any U.S. accommodation with Russia.

Now that we know that the President is not a traitor, can we move on to address the thousands of opioid deaths, adolescent and other suicides, flooded farmlands, and crumbling infrastructure which have been pushed aside as we were trapped within the walls of this British created delusion? Well, no, according to Mueller and his Congressional toadies, Jerry Nadler and Adam Schiff. Nadler, who looks and acts like a venomous toad, stuffing himself into over-sized suits which have that oh so subtle Manhattan mafia cut, vows to spend from now until 2020 redoing the Russiagate investigation. Schiff, who has constantly propounded the most fictitious crap possible about Russiagate, is just too invested to ever be sane, if he ever was. Thus, the second part of Mueller’s report attempts to seamlessly switch the anti-Trump political narrative by presenting an entirely novel theory of obstruction of justice in which the President knew he was innocent, while those investigating him, knowing he was innocent, sought to exploit Trump’s emotions as they rolled a full scale coup right over him, hoping he would cross the line into illegal acts. He did not, according to both Attorney General Barr and Mueller’s boss throughout this escapade, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. Mueller also acknowledges this by saying he can’t charge Trump with obstruction of justice. But Mueller also takes a cheap shot, designed to inflame the Congress and the public, saying he cannot “exonerate” the President either. In doing so, he impermissibly shifts the burden of proof, under our Constitution, to imply that Trump must now prove his innocence. This is, of course, reminiscent of the Star Chamber.

When Donald Trump was informed by Jeff Sessions that a Special Counsel was being appointed, he said, according to Mueller,“Oh my God. This is terrible. This is the end of my presidency. I’m fucked … Everyone tells me if you get one of these independent counsels it ruins your presidency. It takes years and years and I won’t be able to do anything. This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.”

Quote from Volume II of Mueller’s report.

Perversely, this absolutely true statement by the President, borne out by months of an insane inquisition which crippled his ability to act, is cited by Robert Mueller’s crew of biased prosecutors for the proposition that the President repeatedly skirted obstructing justice. On April 17, Attorney General Barr said that Donald Trump confronted an unprecedented situation at the beginning of his presidency. The President was attempting to form an administration, while his own intelligence community was investigating him as an agent of a foreign power. Barr might have added that Trump knew—and everyone else knew—that “collusion” nonsense was just that. They knew it all along. In such circumstances, there was never any ability, in reality, to charge obstruction of justice, which requires a corrupt intent or motive. There can be no corrupt intent or motive where a President believes, rightly, that he is innocent, that he is being framed up, and that a coup is underway. He fights back, to preserve both the Presidency and the Constitution itself, breaking the rules of what Saint Robert Mueller considers to be appropriate conduct by those he targets – don’t say or do anything, just let us slice you up. All the while, the Mueller report makes clear, Trump’s emotions about the coup are being recorded and/or falsely portrayed, minute by minute by those who would sell him out—some as traitors within, others, if only to save themselves. That is the reality. It was never obstruction of justice. It was a psyop against the President attempting to drive him mad.

The British, Not the Russians, Tried to Swing the 2016 Election

Mueller makes three significant claims about Russian interference in the 2016 election. First, page after page of his report attempts to paint an amateurish and small bore social media campaign conducted by the Internet Research Agency, a Russian internet marketing and click bait operation, as exercising a hugely powerful lure on the American mind. Despite Mueller’s indictment of the IRA, which is pending now in Washington, D.C., and despite British intelligence’s five year fixation on the IRA as the essence of newfound Russian powers in hybrid warfare, this is a hoax. Aaron MatéGareth Porter and others have demonstrated, conclusively, that the IRA spent minimal amounts of money on Facebook and Google in 2016, for a campaign which barely mentioned either candidate. Only 11% of the IRA activity even occurred during the election period.

The IRA effort spent a grand total of $46,000 on Facebook Ads, compared to $81 million by the Trump and Clinton campaigns combined, and $4,700 on Google platforms. Its most liked Facebook post was a gun-toting image of Yosemite Sam; its most shared Instagram post said, “Click here if you like Jesus.” Another favored meme featured Jesus counseling a young man how to stop masturbating. Otherwise, the IRA’s campaign was dedicated to creating revenue from themed t-shirts and LGBT positive sex toys. Mueller never explains how this ad content impacted the election in any way, nor could he.

Mueller next focuses on the alleged Russian military intelligence hacks of the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta, for which he has indicted 12 Russian GRU officers, secure in the knowledge that they will never appear in a U.S. courtroom to contest the charges. The first fact lost in the sauce here is the fact that the files the Russians allegedly sent to WikiLeaks for publication demonstrated, truthfully, that Hillary Clinton was a craven tool of Wall Street and that her campaign was illegally rigging the Democratic primaries against Bernie Sanders’s insurgent campaign. Further, the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, led by former NSA Technical Director William Binney and former NSA cryptologist Ed Loomis, have exploded Mueller’s entire theory that the Russians hacked the DNC. They conducted forensic studiesdemonstrating that what Mueller says about Guccifer 2.0 is fraudulent and that the claim that a GRU hack of the DNC computers resulted in the WikiLeaks releases does not square with any science known currently to man. The download speeds and file metadata point to a thumb drive or similar storage device and a human source, rather than a Russian cyber attack conducted over the internet.

You might also ask why Julian Assange and/or WikiLeaks were not indicted in Mueller’s grand GRU conspiracy indictment. Instead, Assange was indicted on a highly dubious charge involving the 2010 Chelsea Manning leaks which may not even survive a challenge under the statute of limitations. Obviously, Mueller’s proof of his indicted Russiagate conspiracy falls short. Indicting Assange for the claimed DNC and Podesta hack conspiracy would necessarily allow Assange to prove that the Russian hack never happened, as he has long contended. It would expose how James Comey and Senator Mark Warner intervened in Assange’s early 2017 negotiations with the Justice Department, to ensure that the truth would never come out. It was Comey, after all, who never secured the DNC servers for FBI forensic analysis, relying instead on the forensics provided to him by Atlantic Council’s Russia-hating CrowdStrike, the unreliable vendor to the DNC and the Clinton Campaign. And it was Comey, it is reliably claimed, who relentlessly pushed the Russiagate narrative even after his lead case agent told him after months of investigation, “there is no there, there.” If Mueller pursued the logic of his own indictment and included Assange in his fabricated GRU conspiracy, it would also have exposed exactly what happened after Bill Binney met with then CIA Director Mike Pompeo at Donald Trump’s direction on October 24, 2017, explaining exactly how the intelligence community was lying to the American President. Binney’s offer to collaborate in demonstrating what actually happened with the DNC and John Podesta has been successfully blocked to date.

The last prong of Mueller’s Russiagate plot involves all sorts of contacts with Russians who allegedly unsuccessfully reached out to the Trump campaign, in order to seduce them. Here the report just lies egregiously. We are told that Russiagate started as the result of a July 2016 report by the Australian Ambassador to London, Alexander Downer, to the FBI about a conversation he had with a 28 year old Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos, in London. According to Mueller, Joseph Mifsud, a Maltese professor with “connections to Russia” told Papadopoulos that the Russians had thousands of Hillary Clinton’s State Department emails, and Papadopoulos repeated this information in a meeting initiated by Downer. According to Mueller, when the DNC’s computers were hacked, the former Australian Ambassador to London remembered his early 2016 meeting with Papadopoulos in which Papadopoulos recounted Mifsud’s claim about Clinton’s emails. This tidbit, according to Mueller, launched a full scale FBI counterintelligence investigation of a U.S. presidential nominee. As Attorney General Barr has pointed out, including in his testimony on Capitol Hill, investigating an American presidential candidate is “a very big deal” and the Mifsud/Papadopoulos/Australian Ambassador hearsay hardly serves as adequate justification or predication. This is particularly egregious since the FBI knew that Papadopoulos never repeated to anyone in the Trump Campaign what Mifsud told him. And Mifsud is also a British intelligence asset, not a Russian intelligence asset, as suggested by Mueller’s rambling legal partisans.

Mueller, of course, never references the fact that Russiagate actually started way back in late 2015 when the British government started demanding Donald Trump’s head because of his sane view of Russia, a fact acknowledged by Obama CIA chief John Brennan in his Congressional testimony. Nor does Mueller reference the fact that MI6’s Christopher Steele’s dirty dossier was the driver of Russiagate and that Steele was a joint MI6, U.S. State Department, and FBI asset dating back to collaboration on the 2014 Ukraine coup conducted jointly by the Obama State Department, CIA, and British intelligence. The Ukraine coup began a British march toward regime change in Russia, risking nuclear war, a march which was rudely interrupted by the Brexit vote in Britain and by the candidacy and election of Donald Trump.

The real story, the one now being promised by Trump’s allies and others, is that many of the alleged Russian outreach efforts cited in Mueller’s report, such as multiple entrapment efforts conducted against Papadopoulos and Carter Page, as well as the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting involving Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, were transparent British/State Department operations designed to plant and fabricate evidence, namely, Russian generated “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Mueller completely avoided the real story, despite its public availability, in order to concoct his hit job. Each of these operations involved British intelligence personnel collaborating with Obama White House, the CIA and State Department. These entrapment efforts were designed as the pretext for creating and maintaining an FBI investigation. The FBI investigation in turn made the preposterous claims in Christopher Steele’s dirty dossier, that Donald Trump had been compromised by the Russians, palatable to the journalists who repeated Steele’s claims both before and after the election.

Like the Steele dossier itself, the dirt and allegedly Russian-sourced information about Putin and Trump did not originate with actual Russian “dirt” or with actual Russian sources. According to well-placed Congressional sources, Christopher Steele’s main source for his dodgy dossier is a former Russian intelligence officer living in the United States. But, no former Russian intelligence officer lives in the United States without reporting to the CIA. That is just a simple fact. There is also evidence that the Trump Campaign was being flooded with FBI informants acting as “pretend” Russian agents as early as May. Mike Caputo has documented just such as approach by FBI informant and Russian criminal Henry Greenberg to himself and Roger Stone offering “dirt on Hillary Clinton.” Papadopoulos claims that Sergei Millian, the alleged source of the infamous Ritz Hotel prostitute claim in Steele’s dirty dossier, sat silently as Millian’s friend told Papadopoulos that Millian was working for the FBI.

The Moscow Trump Tower project also consumes hundreds of words in Mueller’s screed. It was created by long-time FBI and CIA informant Felix Sater and his childhood friend, Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, and was presented in emails by Sater in September of 2015 as a Russian project which would help elect Donald Trump President with Putin’s assistance. It was pushed, and pushed, and pushed by Sater, whose agreement to become an informant, was signed by none other than Andrew Weissman, Mueller’s chief henchman. Former CIA and State Department analyst Larry Johnson has fully demonstrated this chain of fabrications.

As for the last portion of Part I of Mueller’s Report, portraying efforts to secure peace with Russia and in Ukraine during the transition as some sort of diabolical plot—wow, just think about that. Can you seriously join Grand Inquisitor Robert Mueller in treating efforts to establish the foundations for peace with Russia, as some form of criminal act? Or, as crazy former DNI Jim Clapper calls it, “passive collusion”? This is, of course, the same Jim Clapper who claims that Russians are genetically predisposed to attack the United States. As Professor Stephen Cohen, of NYU and Princeton, continues to reiterate, there are immense nuclear dangers in stoking hatred of Russia rather than seeking a just accommodation. Professor Cohen noted recently that in the history of election interventions by the United States into Russia, even if you accept all of Mueller’s preposterous claims, what the Russians are accused of doing here is equivalent to jay-walking. Compare the publication of truthful information about Hillary Clinton rigging the Democratic primaries, a juvenile and largely ineffective social media campaign, and numerous attempts to improve U.S. Russian relations, with the $10 billion the Clinton Administration provided to re-elect Boris Yeltsin, in 1996, for example.

Obstruction of Justice

Mueller’s 250 page plus screed about obstruction of justice focuses on 10 “episodes” where he says the President almost crossed the line into what he considers to be obstructive conduct. Mind you, he admits that as opposed to most obstruction cases, there was no underlying crime which the President was trying to cover up. There were also never ever any acts like those Hillary Clinton’s crew committed, such as smashing cell phones with hammers and BleachBitting computers. In fact, the White House gave the Special Counsel everything he asked for, including notes of President Trump’s discussions with White House Counsel Don McGahn, over which Executive Privilege could rightly have been claimed—and many lawyers believe such privilege should have been exercised. Mueller interviewed just about everyone in the White House and on the Trump Campaign, with the President’s blessing and his urging them to “cooperate.” From this cooperation, Mueller’s minions concocted a hit job, designed to portray the President as unstable and irrational and out solely to protect himself, concealing derogatory facts from the American people in statements on his Twitter account and to the press. Nowhere, however, even in this entire rabid prosecutor’s screed is there any act which the courts have recognized as obstruction of justice. Instead, Mueller’s argument is essentially this: “if you take all of this together, maybe it amounts to something, but I can’t decide, so Congress should just stick the knife in already.” There is not sufficient evidence to charge a crime, Mueller says, but Trump has also not proved his innocence.

Here’s the CliffsNotes summary of the entire 448 pages: The President was under constant attack, including from within his own White House, in an obvious attempt to frame him up while claiming he was committing treason. He got angry and didn’t sit silently by while Mueller and his minions tried to frame him up. He complained loudly. Sometimes he even asked his staff to figure out how to proclaim his innocence. Under no conceivable construction is that obstruction of justice.

Three incidents make the fraud in Mueller’s tedious novel very clear. First, Mueller babbles on about the President’s conduct concerning Michael Flynn’s firing, but he never references that Michael Flynn had been targeted by the British authors of the Russiagate hoax, the circles of Sir Richard Dearlove and his friend Stefan Halper, way back in 2014. They falsely accused Flynn of a dalliance with Russian historian Svetlana Lokhova at a Cambridge event both attended. What really flipped the British out about Flynn, however, was his exposure of support for Al Qaeda and similar groups in Syria by both the U.S. and British governments. Flynn had been a target of FBI investigation and surveillance based on British demands for his head since early 2016, if not much earlier.

When Barack Obama imposed sanctions on Russia in the waning days of his Administration, in retaliation for what his intelligence chiefs claimed was Russian “interference” in the 2016 election, the sanctions included implantation of a Stuxnet type worm in Russian state infrastructure. This might be considered by the Russians as a very hot potential act of war. Flynn, the incoming National Security Adviser, had conversations with Russian Ambassador Kislyak to the effect that the Russians should not overreact to Obama’s sanctions, among other things. These conversations were intercepted, and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates and Mary McCord of the National Security Division at DOJ, along with Deputy FBI director Andrew McCabe, plotted how to set Flynn up for undermining Obama’s dangerous threats and actions. First, someone from a tight circle who had viewed these transcripts, leaked the classified transcripts to the Washington Post’s David Ignatius who wrote a loud column about Flynn colluding with the Russians to undermine Obama. That leak was a felony. McCabe then called Flynn as the article hit, saying that he was sending over two agents to talk to him about what this was about and telling him that involving any lawyers would be an encumbrance to a relaxed conversation. Flynn couldn’t remember certain things the agents asked him about. They had the transcript of Flynn’s conversation and never showed it to him. In the course of the interview, Flynn made statements at variance with what he was known to have said in the transcripts. Nonetheless, the agents themselves said that Flynn had not deliberately lied to them when they reported back to the FBI.

After Flynn was fired for lying to Vice President Pence and others about the Kisylak conversations, FBI Director James Comey claims that President Trump pulled him aside and said he “hoped” Comey would let the Flynn thing go because Flynn was a good guy. The maniacal Comey insists that the President’s “hope” was an “order.” Comey, the fabricator, had previously insisted that the President’s alleged request for “loyalty,” at a point where all of Washington was talking about RESIST members covertly acting against the President from within his Administration, was somehow equivalent to a mafia induction ceremony. Michael Flynn was subsequently convicted by Mueller of lying to the FBI in his White House interview despite the fact that the original agents concluded that no such lying even occurred. This was part of a coerced plea deal resulting from the fact that Flynn was bankrupted by the legal fees necessary to defend himself against Mueller’s inquisition, and threats by Mueller to indict Flynn’s son.

Then there is the Comey firing itself. Comey’s Congressional testimony, which Mueller never mentions, lays out that each time Comey met with the President he returned to compose contemporaneous memos of his conversations and to plan future encounters with a close group of associates who he characterized as a “murder board.” Such activities clearly indicate that Comey was engaged in attempting to set the President up. Comey told Congress and Trump that he was not under investigation in Russiagate but refused to tell the public that, knowing full well that the President felt it was completely hindering his ability to act, particularly with respect to Russia.

Mueller does disclose that, from the beginning, Trump railed against Comey because he was blocking what Trump he wanted to do with Russia on trade and ISIS. In fact, Trump dictated a letter to Steven Miller firing Comey because he would not tell the public the truth about Russiagate and because it was hindering his ability to deal with Russia. Trump’s letter was rejected by White House staff, including White House Counsel Don McGahn, who came up with the idea of firing Comey based on Comey’s misconduct in the Clinton investigation. The President repeated the real reasons he was firing Comey publicly and almost immediately after Rod Rosenstein’s letter detailing Comey’s misconduct in the Clinton investigation was released, and did so again, in an oval office meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov and Ambassador Kislyak. This is hardly the concealment associated with obstruction of justice.

Furthermore, the firestorm following Comey’s firing illuminated the level of plotting against the President at the top levels of the Department of Justice—Rod Rosenstein seriously offered to wear a wire to record the President and participated in discussions centered on organizing the cabinet to orchestrate the President’s removal. Mueller never mentions any of this in his report. Instead he adopts, wholesale, James Comey’s claim that Trump fired him to hinder the Russia investigation, despite the fact that the investigation was never hindered. Mueller also never references Comey’s leaks of classified materials to a friend for media publication, in order to trigger Mueller’s own appointment as Special Counsel, or that everyone already knew, at that point, that there was “no there, there” with respect to collusion with Russia.

Instead, the game was on to frame the President, to build the case Comey had not been able to make about obstruction of justice. This proceeded through a series of calculated provocations and media leaks all designed to provoke the President into overreaction.

One of these is found in the episode involving the so-called attempt to “fire Mueller” which the media and Congress are salivating about. According to Mueller’s report, Trump called White House Counsel Don McGahn and told him to raise Mueller’s conflicts of interest with the Department of Justice and—according to McGahn—that Mueller could not be Special Counsel. This call occurred soon after the Washington Post published a leak that the President himself was under investigation by Mueller for obstruction of justice. McGahn construed Trump’s words as an order to fire Mueller, even though, by his own account, no such order to fire Mueller was stated. McGahn claims that he immediately decided to resign, although he never informed the President of this. No call was ever placed to the Justice Department, Mueller was not fired, and Trump never repeated what he allegedly said on one heated occasion to Don McGahn. Based on his drama queen account of this alleged aborted attempt at some undetermined act of obstruction, however, McGahn is being hailed by the anti-Trump media as a modern Sir Thomas More.

The President denies ever saying anything like this and there is considerable evidence in the Mueller report itself demonstrating that Trump’s repeatedly pronounced distrust of McGahn was fully justified. The kicker here is that even if Trump had followed through and fired Mueller, he would have been within his Constitutional powers to do so. There would have been plenty of political heat, but no obstruction of justice, despite McGahn’s ridiculous fantasy that he was being asked to re-enact Nixon’s Saturday night massacre. Mueller’s report otherwise shows White House Counsel McGahn, a total creature of the Washington Republican establishment who attached himself to Trump early in the campaign, keeping book on the President and taking notes on everything the President allegedly said—hardly something typical of normal lawyering.

So, despite this weekend’s huffing and puffing of the Democrats and the media about the Mueller Report, it is important to remember, first and foremost, that they suffered a bone-crushing defeat when Saint Robert Mueller’s magical curtain was pulled back, revealing a tale, full of sound and fury, but signifying absolutely nothing. Attorney General Barr will conduct a seminar for the children in Congress when he testifies about the actual law shortly.

The real story, the one about the attempted coup and treason against this President and its perpetrators is coming, and it will come fast. A big opportunity is presenting itself to crush the British apparatus which has haunted this country since the end of World War II.

Act now, don’t get confused by the heat of battle, and we can take the country back.

This kind of reporting is only possible with support from YOU. Make a donation to LaRouchePAC today so we can fully defeat this coup against the President!

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Russiagate Sabotaged Trump’s Foreign Policy—That’s Why Trump Fired Comey

President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Crosby, Texas. (Official WH Photo)

President Trump Delivers Remarks and Signs an Executive Order on Energy & Infrastructure at the International Union of Operating Engineers International Training and Education Center Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in Crosby, Texas. (Official WH Photo)


There is one major story buried in the scurrilous Mueller report which must be made known internationally, immediately. As LaRouchePAC’s Barbara Boyd writes in her report on the Mueller report: “In the original letter which Trump dictated to Stephen Miller, firing Comey, Donald Trump said that Comey’s refusal to [state publicly that Trump was not a target] was specifically inhibiting what the President wanted to do with Russia, with respect to trade and with respect to collaboration on eliminating ISIS. With the intervention of the same staff whom the media are portraying as unsung heroes, Rod Rosenstein’s screed referencing Comey’s misconduct in the Clinton investigation was substituted as the reason for Comey’s firing. This, of course, created the entirely false narrative that the President had covered up his real reason for firing Comey.”

Similarly, Mueller’s report, as the first of ten events characterized as potentially constituting obstruction of justice, states: “On June 16, 2015 Donald J. Trump declared his intent to seek nomination as the Republican candidate for President. By early 2016, he distinguished himself among Republican candidates by speaking of closer ties with Russia, saying he would get along well with Russian President Vladimir Putin, questioning whether the NATO alliance was obsolete, and praising Putin as a ‘strong leader.’ The press reported that Russian political analysts and commentators perceived Trump as favorable to Russia.”

But, far from implying obstruction of justice, this is why the American people elected him! End the “endless wars,” Trump told the American people, and work with Russia to fight terrorism — no more “regime-change” wars to overthrow governments deemed anti-democratic by the British and their assets in the United States. Being friends with Russia “is a good thing, not a bad thing,” he said over and over. But this, says Mueller, is tantamount to treason, working with America’s “leading adversary” — a characterization of Russia asserted by the same corrupt intelligence operatives in the Obama Administration who worked hand in hand with the British intelligence directors from MI6 and GCHQ to carry out a coup against their lost colony in the Americas.

The American people must be informed. It will not come from the “fake news” outlets, who, despite differences in their views of Trump, all maintain a constant barrage of demonizing hysteria against Russia and China.

So also with Trump and China. While the media and the Congress, and Donald Trump’s own Cabinet members, peddle lunacies about China (the Washington Post‘s “Foreign Policy” website, for example, headlines today: “Catching China by the Belt (and Road) — How Washington Can Beat Beijing’s Global Influence Campaign”), Trump is negotiating what he calls an “epic deal” with China, which can, and must, open the door to U.S. cooperation with the Belt and Road — the “New Silk Road” proposed and organized by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche, and now the centerpiece of Xi Jinping’s historic campaign to take the internal development of China, and the elimination of poverty in China, out to the rest of the world.

In Europe, despite open efforts at sabotage from the EU bureaucrats in Brussels, dozens of countries have signed on to the Belt and Road Initiative, most recently Italy, Luxembourg, and Switzerland. Business associations in Germany have defied government opposition to demand national support for joining in the new paradigm of win-win development for all nations and all people. Even in the U.S., the “containment dam” against China and the BRI is close to breaking. Geoffrey Garrett, dean of the Wharton School — a training ground for business and finance leaders in Philadelphia — told a student-organized forum on the Belt and Road this week: “Belt and Road is enormous. It’s no overstatement to say it could be the project of the century.” He identified infrastructure development as the key bottleneck to freeing nations from underdevelopment and poverty. This is what Justin Yifu Lin, the former Chief Economist at the World Bank, now head of the Institute for New Structural Economics in Beijing, said this year: “We have learned from our experience that infrastructure is the bottleneck to development. Entrepreneurs can’t do it — as Friedrich List said, the state must either coordinate it, or do it. You always need two hands.” Garrett, in fact, said further: “Because the Chinese government is thinking about 20 years from today, 50 years from today — I think that the U.S. needs to follow China’s lead and think differently about the way it finances infrastructure development.”

This is the necessary and totally feasible moment for the U.S. to break free from the British imperial noose, to take its rightful place as a leader in peace and development in the world, in full cooperation with the other sovereign nations, as part of the spirit of the New Silk Road, the vision for Earth’s Next Fifty Years, as LaRouche so presciently titled his 2005 book.

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